As a starting point we use published studies from ISPM’s Living Evidence on COVID-19 systematic review. Syntax notes: At the moment (Mail 29.4.20) the system ( treats keywords as combinations of letters that need to appear in the text regardless of their position in the WORD. This means that the keyword: ‘symptom’ will identify asymptomatic, symptoms, pre-symptomatic, etc. In other syntax this might be equivalent with searching for symptom where the asterix identifies where truncation is appropriate.
We then filter with the following keyword blocks
Mental health Revision 5.5.20
(((behavi) OR (affective) OR (adjust) OR (mood) OR (eating)) AND (disorder)) OR (anorexi) OR (bulimi) OR (binge eating) OR (neurosis) OR (obsess) OR (mania) OR (schizophren) OR (mental health) OR (mental well) OR (mental ill) OR (mentally ill) OR (resilien) OR (anxiety) OR (anxious) OR (panic) OR (phobi) OR (schizo) OR (delusion) OR (stress) OR (impuls control) OR (compulsive) OR (depressi) OR (neurotic) OR (neurosis) OR (somatoform) OR (hypochondria) OR (hysteri) OR (paranoid) OR (psycho) OR (dysthymic) OR (dementia) OR (alzheimer)
Alcohol/substance abuse Revision 5.5.20
(addict) OR (drug dependen) OR (drug abus) OR (drug use) OR (((substance) OR (alcohol) OR (drink)) AND ((abuse) or (misuse) OR (dependen) OR (behavi) OR (consum)))
Violence and aggression Revision 1.5.20 (aggress) OR (anger) OR (angry) OR (assault) OR (hostil) OR (bully) OR (bullie) OR (violen) OR (abus) OR (batter) OR (tortur) OR (mutilat) OR (molest) OR (murder) OR (parricid) OR (suicide)
All blocks together
(((behavi) OR (affective) OR (adjust) OR (mood) OR (eating)) AND (disorder)) OR (anorexi) OR (bulimi) OR (binge eating) OR (neurosis) OR (obsess) OR (mania) OR (schizophren) OR (mental health) OR (mental well) OR (mental ill) OR (mentally ill) OR (resilien) OR (anxiety) OR (anxious) OR (panic) OR (phobi) OR (schizo) OR (delusion) OR (stress) OR (impuls control) OR (compulsive) OR (depressi) OR (neurotic) OR (neurosis) OR (somatoform) OR (hypochondria) OR (hysteri) OR (paranoid) OR (psycho) OR (dysthymic) OR (dementia) OR (alzheimer) OR (addict) OR (drug dependen) OR (drug abus) OR (drug use) OR (((substance) OR (alcohol) OR (drink)) AND ((abuse) or (misuse) OR (dependen) OR (behavi) OR (consum))) OR (aggress) OR (anger) OR (angry) OR (assault) OR (hostil) OR (bully) OR (bullie) OR (violen) OR (abus) OR (batter) OR (tortur) OR (mutilat) OR (molest) OR (murder) OR (parricid) OR (suicide)
Latest version 20 05 2020 The script query is available here and the archive of studies can be found here